Cetona and the Belverde park (SI)

Cetona is a typical mediaeval town situated on the eastern slopes of Monte Cetona. Its pretty old town centre is well worth a visit, with its steep twisting streets which lead up to the dominating Rocca (fortress). From afar the town rises cone-like up to the castle as if in search of protection, the stone of its houses standing out from the mountain's intense green.

The area was first settled in thousands of years ago, at the dawn of history, and spectacular and very evident traces remain, especially in the area of Belverde. A system of prehistoric caves provided homes to inhabitants from the middle Paleolithic age right up until the Bronze age. The entire area constitutes the "Parco Archeologico-Naturalistico del Monte-Cetona'', and there are a great many places to visit each with interesting and instructive information point. Many archeological discoveries are exhibited in the "Museo Civico per la Preistoria del Monte Catona'', in the old town centre, an extremely well-organized and educationally perfect museum.

Cetona has other historical and artistic heritage, however, and we particularly suggest a tour of the many outstanding buildings and churches which contain important works of art. The Collegiata church, for example, has a painting attributed to Pinturicchio.

The cave of Saint Frances

Other treasures, of no lesser value are to be found in the countryside around "the mountain" as Monte Cetona is usually referred to here, with its tangled woods, its thousand shades of colours andits enormous variety of fauna.

It is no coincidence that Cetona, thanks to its beauty, its peace and its high quality of life, has become home to many important cultural figures and artists.

For information

  • Museum of the Cetona Mont - Phone nr. 0039-0578 237632
  • Comune di Cetona (SI) - Phone nr. 039-0578 237611-30-31
  • Centro Servizi del Parco - Phone nr. 0039-0578-239219
  • Gestione Cooperativa “Il Labirinto” - Phone nr. 0039-338-6827859

Apertura straordinaria:

  • Parco archeologico naturalistico di Belverde
    • Grotte di Belverde, località Belverde - Cetona (SI)
  • Domenica 8 e lunedì 9 aprile 2007
    • dalle 15.00 alle 17.00
    • con visite guidate alle 15.00-16.00-17.00

Museo Civico per la Preistoria del Monte Cetona
Via Roma, 37 - Cetona (SI)

  • Ottobre-maggio
    • domenica e festivi 9.30-12.30
    • sabato e prefestivi 16.00-18.00
  • Giugno-settembre
    • 9.00-13.00/17.00-19.00, chiuso il lunedì