Umbria Jazz
 Umbria Jazz

 The show, born in the 1973, is one of the most important jazz shows in Europa. It has given hospitality to the biggest modern jazz musicians. The show goes on for about ten days: from morning to night, in the old town centre of Perugia between the ancient palaces, took place many jazz concerts. Perugia becomes meeting place of thousand young, coming from all the Europa and from the United States.
From the 1993, at the end of the month of December, in "Orvieto" take place Umbria Jazz Winter.

How far from "Poggio del Papa" are the resorts in wich Umbria Jazz take place:

  • Perugia (55 km)
  • Orvieto (km 60 - A1 Chiusi - Chianciano - Orvieto)
