Palio delle barche

During the last week of July, the "Palio delle Barche" takes place in Passignano. The palio is a race in the water and through the streets of the town, a challenge between the districts, historical procession, musical shows, typical gastronomy. A moment of the challenge between the districts in the waters of Trasimeno is the commemoration of the last act of the Perugian civil war, when a small army of the Oddi family had to flee, boats on their shoulders, from the castle of Passignano, chased by the militias of the Baglioni and Della Corgna. The re-enactment of the historical event involves no less than 160 contenders divided between the four districts: Centro Storico, Centro 2, Oliveto and San Donato, which have taken four fish from the lake as their symbol: the Queen Carp, the Pike, the Capitone and the Perch . The "Corsa delle Brocche" reserved for women is also held within the Palio.
