A sturdy Persian youth named Farhad, a prince some say, was deeply in love with the fair maid Shirin. One day, word reached him (false word as it tragically turned out) that his beloved had been killed. Gripped by unbearable grief, he mounted his favorite horse and galloped over a cliff to his death. From his numerous wounds droplets of blood trickled onto the ground. From each drop of blood a scarlet tulip sprang, a symbol of his perfect love. So it was that in ancient Persia the red tulip became a symbol of passionate love. (Tulip from the Greek, turban, probably because of his form ).
For information and reservation:
Associazione Turistica Pro - Castiglione del lago (Perugia)
Phone nr. and Fax 075951125
e-Mail: prolococlago@libero.it